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Major Projects

Sinyi Business Ethics Chair
Promoting education, concept, and international exchange of business ethics across Taiwan
We are highly honored to have the former vice president of R.O.C., Mr. Vincent Siew, as our first chair. At the first stage, the course “Business ethics Leader Seminar” was offered in 2013, with seniors of the industry and academia to share their concepts about business ethics. In the future, domestic and foreign enterprises deserving as a model of business ethics will be invited to share their experience and advise the orientation of courses relating to business ethics for all programs of the NCCU College of Commerce. These enterprises will become the convening leaders to promote the business ethics concept to business schools and enterprises across Taiwan.

Center for Business Ethics Research and Development
Cultivating instructors, developing teaching materials, and planning integrity courses for professional fields
Full-time research fellows will be hired to handle research relating to business ethics, with an aim to investigate the value of Chinese Confucian entrepreneurs and perspective business ethics thoughts enabling connection with the spirit of corporate social responsibility and business sustainability in the western world. With research findings, we can develop integrity course materials with the Taiwan spirit and applicable across the world for both general education and professional fields. We can also cultivate integrity instructors for different disciplines and help all departments of the NCCU College of Commerce to plan integrity courses for professional fields.

Ethics education for the MBA Program
Improving the awareness of integrity practice in business administration for future managers
The business ethics concept will be enhanced for future managers through lectures, case discussions, competitions, domestic and overseas visits, and enterprise internships for students to experience the core value of operations and management.

Sinyi Research Center for Real Estate
Perspective research of the operations and management of real estate
Founded in 2000, the Sinyi Research Center for Real Estate engages in the perspective research of the operations and management of real estate for the reference of decision-making, hoping to promote the healthy growth of the industry. In the future, the center will be official merged with the Sinyi School.